As information becomes more readily available through the internet, so does your personal information including your name, contact details and photos of you and your family including children.
It’s important to consider your security or privacy settings on our social media accounts to ensure
you and your family are safe and be social
media smart.
Here are some tips for you to consider:
Change your privacy settings so only people you know have access to your profile and content.
Do not disclose your full name, email address, phone numbers on your social media profile.
For home safety, avoid sharing photos of your home interior publicly.
With technological advancement, it’s now easier to identify where someone is at any given time. This also means it is easier for predators to identify the movement of a potential target.
To make sure you are location smart, here are a few tips:
Avoid posting your exact location, especially when you’re alone
Avoid posting your travel photos while you’re still away because this lets potential predators know there’s no one home, especially if you have a public profile
Reconsider the frequency of your location tags because this gives a trend of the places you frequent.
Be situationally aware when you’re driving home to ensure no one suspicious is following you, especially at night.