------------------- 網絡優惠 ----------------
我平時不會與人爭執,也不會去到不安全的場所,學武只是消磨時間或者當運動,我還是更喜歡去健身房。有這種理解的不在少數。如果以突發情況遇到危險來說的機率確實很低,但人生沒有重來,一次能夠用到保護自己就夠。重點是,在學習詠春中,不斷訓練到反射神經會做出自然反應進行閃避和防範,這種神經反應會讓你 在工作和學習中都不斷受益;其次:詠春可以幫助到練習者精神放鬆,符合人體架構科學的動作讓身體架構被充分延展,雙重作用下,練習詠春的人遇事自然非常冷靜並放鬆。
"Wing Chun is a martial arts that suits people of all ages. I particularly like Wan Kam Leung Practical Wing Chun is because it is conceptual, structural and very practical.
The huge and rich combination of various moves make it very effective to both defend and attack.
Sifu Jack knows Wing Chun from back to front and he is very patient in demonstrating and explaining each move to his students. This Wing Chun family has friendly and helpful Sifu and instructors that make me go to the classes every week. I wish I could have joined this school much earlier.
I would highly recommend anyone who wants to learn serious kung fu to this school and linage of Wing Chun. "
~Victor Lo
"I have trained in a few other martial arts styles for many years, whilst all schools are unique in their approach to training, Practical Wing Chun makes learning the art of Wing Chun extremely accessible. Sifu Jack has done this by cultivating a warm, supportive, and family-like culture where self-improvement is done through helping others.
Sifu Jack and the instructors all emphasise application and concepts making every technique you learn highly relevant and useful. This school doesn't just make better martial artists, they make better people as the culture of the school is just as important as the techniques.
~Chris Wong
"在澳洲第一次接觸Martial Art 就是Practical Wing Chun,梁師傅的教學生動有趣,而且活學活用。非常感謝梁師傅還有每個友好的instructors,這裡每一位同學都很有熱情去分享正能量,十分推薦各位朋友來這裡學詠春拳。."
~Kelvin Cheng
兒童 / 青少年班
每位父母都擔心孩子的安全。實用詠春兒童團體班可以讓孩子通過有效的安全的和有趣的方法學習自我防衛技能。學習的最終目的是讓孩子們學會如何不使用暴力也可以躲避各種危險。此外,學習實用詠春拳還能夠讓孩子們培養出積極和健康的價值觀。 並自小 創建自信,尊重,勇氣,團隊精神,專注精神,安全意識和警覺性,自律性格等
(Short Version)
How do we join the study group?Currently we are only taking in new students who are in Australia. Please send us an email about your martial arts back ground including your Wing Chun lineage. (For North America enquiries, please contact Sifu Javier from PWC Miami directly) A video submission of your answer our interview questions will be required through our online upload page. Once payment is confirmed, you will be approved for a 6/12months membership.
Who would this suit ?This will suit those who are interested in PWC. Those who do not live near a PWC club but wish to start training. Those who once trained at a local PWC club, moved away and wishes to continue their training. Currently training other systems but are interested in PWC. Those who are a current Wing Chun instructors under a different lineage but are interested in getting certified under PWC.
What are the costs?Monthly subscription of $49 USD/Month (normally $79 AUD) + online training group shirt available from our online store. Group training and workshops are FREE in Queensland within the membership period.
What does the training cost include?Our syllabus and training manual to further assist in your training. Dedicated video library with growing content weekly. Currently 360+ videos. Personalized feedback on your progress by certified instructors. Member-only Facebook Group with training videos, FAQ & tutorials. Monthly and weekly Zoom live training classes. FREE group class training and workshops when you visit our clubs in Queensland. Application to host future workshops in your area. The right to form a PWC training group in your area under Practical Wing Chun Australia. Certification under PWC Australia.
How do we progress through the system?Each level will contain several videos. Each video will require a minimum of 3 video replications submitted for feedback. You will be required to attend private training with a PWC Certified Instructor or come in and train with us at our Headquarters in Brisbane, Australia, once every 6/12 months. Membership statuses will be reassessed every 12 months or as accordingly. We do NOT need your money if you are not actively training. We need to see you put effort into your training.
Do we have to come train with you?Yes, this is a mandatory requirement to progress through the system, and the following are the minimum requirements to continue your membership. These requirements differ depending on your location: Australia: Every 6/12 months Overseas: Host a workshop or Zoom live sessions every 12 months.